Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nineteen Months

Nineteen months and we are still trying to finish up 747. Every step of this house has been a learning experience and it doesn't seem stop. Mother nature was anything but cooperative in trying to do the stucco. There were two times in the stucco process where the guys had just finished up and a half hour later a huge rain storm came in and down goes the stucco. If we weren't waiting for a window to work we were hoping the rain would hold off so the stucco could dry.

The stucco part is the one thing where people passing by are starting to see the transformation. We have received so many positive comments from our neighbors in the last month. Even neighbors from our old Mill District have stopped by. One neighbor said, "Thank you so much for bringing this house back to life and not tearing it down. Many of the houses in this neighborhood are crumbling and need work and if you don't give it to them they just keep crumbling." She is so right. This house was long overdue with work and Bryce and I sure have talked about how much it easier it would have been to tear it down, however there is joy in knowing that we saved it!New Stucco completed!
Brown coating the front of the house.
Original stucco. Cracking and needing a lot of love!

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